West Branch Friends Annual Letter:
Monthly Newsletters
As the sun is setting on summer and fall is rapidly approaching, West Branch Friends hope the slower months encourage us to be in worship each week.
116 N. Downey Street, P.O. Box 153, West Branch Iowa 52358
"All Church Reads" Book Discussion Groups open to all interested persons are held in the spring and fall each year.
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September Meeing Events
Sunday Worship Services: 10:30 AM
(10:25 AM Gathering Music)
September 15: Monthly Meeting for Business...11:45 AM
September 21: New Association of Friends Annual Meeting
September 29: Special offering for
Operation Backpack
For the zoom link for Sunday worship, please email meeting clerk Gwen Senio at gwensenio@gmail.com
As part of the Society of Friends, we seek to let our lives speak our commitment to Quaker values:
Simplicity: Friends believe that the most important things in life aren't things.
Peace: Friends believe there is always a path that brings peace, justice, dignity, and respect.
Equality: Friends believe that every person is equally loved by God, no matter what.
Stewardship: Friends believe that all God's gifts are entrusted to us for the sake of future generations.
Integrity: Friends believe that our words and actions must reflect our truest selves.
Community: Friends believe that we need each other, since each and every one of us is precious in our community.